Dean asked, trying to control the quiver in his voice. Include more than one piece of information in a sentence . Sentence Length in Legal Writing "Keep your average sentence length to about 20 words. The rebels had taken complete control She needed control of her own mind back, but the feverish fog was too thick. Meanwhile, his people acted as the eyes on the ground to the regular military, most of which was exiled overseas after the war to prevent the divided political elite from seizing control of it again. They gazed at each other for a long moment, her shock and exhaustion too deep to fear the man who radiated power and control, even in a simple T-shirt. The index number represents the position of a sentence in the Sentences collection. The mainstay of the Roman military control of Italy first, and of the whole empire afterwards, was the splendid system of roads. At least he was trying to control his temper this time. Maybe the goats had some kind of control over commencement of labor. Now, let’s look at cohesion: Cohesion. In 67 B.C., when tribune of the people, he brought forward the famous law (Lex Gabinia) conferring upon Pompey the command in the war against the Mediterranean pirates, with extensive powers which gave him absolute control over that sea and the coasts for 50 m. This Committee consists of 75 members, sending representatives to Moscow to the meetings of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Federation of Soviet Republics, but the Turkestan Republic showed itself very little inclined to accept the control which the Central Committee at Moscow endeavoured to maintain. She couldn't tell if he were doing it on purpose or simply had no control. Favorite Answer. 4. I'd only need to close one to control their entrance into this world. In one sentence you should not only specify idea or problem, but also persuade reader that you are right. You can write long, short, simple, complex, parallel, convoluted or fragmented. I got a 125-word sentence!”. Voice Friday: Sentences Tonight I started to lose control, and panicked. Darkyn has been spinning out of control for many years. Sorry if i have so many questions . There are rules and methods in structuring sentences. Like Alex, he was most comfortable when he was in complete control. Words and sentences–these are the beginnings of control of voice. Control of the call is thus vested in the operator at the originating exchange, at which point the connexion must be severed before a clearing signal can appear at B. Cromwell's religious policy included the maintenance of a national church, a policy acceptable to the army but much disliked by the Scots, who wanted the church to control the state, not the state the church. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. One can either choose to write a pro-gun control essay or one against the use of guns. 91. Syntax in writing helps you control that journey. In 1896 McCormick Theological Seminary (which in 1858 as New Albany Theological Seminary had come under the control of the assembly) and Auburn Seminary refused to make the changes desired by the General Assembly; a satisfactory arrangement with McCormick was made. When the Whigs secured a momentary control of the state legislature in 1849 they sent Seward to the United States Senate. If he had simply ignored her, she might have been able to get her emotions under control, but now a sob threatened so convincingly that she was afraid to breathe. "It was even happening in control samples containing pure water, " says Warren. Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. While in the interests of his canal Lesseps had resisted the opposition of British diplomacy to an enterprise which threatened to give to France control of the shortest route to India, he acted loyally towards Great Britain after Lord Beaconsfield had acquired the Suez shares belonging to the Khedive, by frankly admitting to the board of directors of the company three representatives of the British government. 2. This obviously means that we should use complex sentences in our writing, but it does not mean that we should try to make all of our sentences complex. In particular that conception which regarded "ambition" as the guiding motive in his career has been dispelled by a more intimate and accurate knowledge of his life; this shows him to have been very little the creator of his own career, which was largely the result of circumstances outside his control, the influence of past events and of the actions of others, the pressure of the national will, the natural superiority of his own genius. Australia and Polynesia By 87, 000,000 392,000,000 170,000,000 1 43, 000,000 7,000,000 influence of climate, and by the development of trade even to inhabit countries which cannot yield a food-supply, the mass of mankind is still completely under the control of those conditions which in the past determined the distribution and the mode of life of the whole human race. ? He certainly didn't seem to have much control, as far as she could tell. She didn't have his cold control; she was the kind of woman who would give herself freely in bed and hold no part of her back. It begins with sentence fragments to set the topic. If your readers get lost at the start of your message, it's you who have lost them–and lost the chance to communicate with them. "I don't think we control it," Jule replied, looking him over. She had chosen him partly for his ability to assume control while keeping everyone's best interest in mind... and partly because he aroused a passion she never knew existed. You've gained some valuable experience about how things can get out of control so quickly. Here he was, in total control, independent of outside power—only his arms and legs and gravity. She left the phone on the floor as a reminder to control her temper. Using some compound sentences in writing allows for more sentence variety. What sublime self-control for a quick-tempered man! The conseil colonial, besides its advisory functions, discusses and votes the budget, determines the nature of the taxes, has supreme control over the tariffs, and extensive powers in the administration of colonial domains. Know what you want to write but aren't sure where to start? His power was leaking out of his body, killing the plants around him. Rhyn couldn't do what others wanted, not when he couldn't control his own powers. As someone accustomed to being in control of her world, she needed a little more time before she was ready to face him. Yet he still couldn't control his facial muscles or speak. ` It is interesting to see how in a country whose civil rule was becoming gradually more absolutist, this ` Church under the cross' framed for itself a government which reconciled, more thoroughly perhaps than has ever been done since, the two principles of popular rights and supreme control. first heard and practiced orally. So are sentences formed by words, the words are the bones and they are put together in different ways to form sentences. "The Presbyterians, however, now engaged in a plan for restoring the king under their own control, and by the means of a Scottish army, forced on their policy, and on the 27th of May ordered the immediate disbandment of the army, without any guarantee for the payment of arrears. I tried with all my might to control the eagerness that made me tremble so that I could hardly walk. 4a. A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Taran did not understand the need for her to return so soon, but the woman was beyond any man's control. Sentence Structure: Identify and Avoid 'Mixed Structure' Sentences 6:36 How to Write Better by Improving Your Sentence Structure 5:44 Varied Sentence Structure in Writing 9:47 Anyway, I was doing my best not to let things get out of control. This is a vaguer form of control than a protectorate, and frequently amounts merely to an agreement amongst civilized powers to respect the right of one of their number to exercise government within a certain area, if it should decide to do so at any future time. Students could have to revise or fix up thesis statements/topic sentences. Examples of control in a sentence, how to use it. 1 decade ago. The sentence must be correctly punctuated–like this one from Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn? We discussed sentence structure in an earlier section. Hence when useful work can be obtained from a system by simply connecting visible portions of it by a train of mechanism, such energy is more readily recognized than is that which would compel us to control the behaviour of molecules before we could transform it into useful work. When he didn't respond, I added, She'll have a hell of a headache but you guys both have some bridges in need of serious damage control. Nevertheless, this gun control essay seeks to help you write a paper that will not land you into trouble with such cases. I have no control over what I do during the full moon, and after, have no memory of my time as a wolf, so I can't answer that. He tested his ability to control the familiar magic. Deidre stopped trying to control her tears. What.s clear is that your mate is still out of control. She looked at the control panel, trying to decipher any of the symbols. A topic sentence has several functions in writing: it supports a thesis statement; it summarizes the content of a paragraph; and it gives the reader a glimpse of the subject to be tackled and how it would be discussed in the given paragraph. The situation was out of control and reasoning with him wasn't going to work. If a person doesn't believe his own writing, it would be extremely hard to convince others. message pad by the telephone in the role play area. Conditional sentence definition: A conditional sentence is a type of sentence that states a condition and the outcome of that condition occurring.Conditional sentences are made up of a dependent clause and an independent clause joined to express said condition. He staggered back, unable to control the power within him. Copyrights © Darcy Pattison. The fact also that many of the most ancient of these ruins, like Ur, Lagash (Sirpurla), Larsa, Erech, Nippur, Sippara and Babylon, were situated on the banks of the great canals would indicate that the control of the waters of the rivers by a system of canalization and irrigation was one of the first achievements of civilization. By James Harbeck April 18, 2013 10:45PM (UTC)--Shares . In academic and professional writing it is important to understand active and passive sentences because it is important to understand the advantages of each and to use them to best effect. Jonny was a good kid who had to go bad in order to control the vamps at his disposal and counter the White God's influence. We've got it all under control, so just relax and get well. Pattison! I knew I was losing control and I should have stopped then. She cried until she could control herself, wiped her face, and drew several shuddering breaths. The bishop has acquired control of the sacraments, presbyters and deacons acting only under his orders; the episcopate appears as a unit, bishops being bound to respect one another's disciplinary decrees. The war against the castles became a war against the palaces; and the system of government by consuls proved inefficient to control the clashing elements within the state. Never in her life had she been so attracted to a man – so totally out of control in his presence. The first thing to see, looking away over the water, was a kind of dull line; that was the woods on t’other side–you couldn’t make nothing else out; then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness, spreading around; then the rive softened up, away off, and warn’t black any more, but gray; you could see little dark spots drifting along ever so far away–trading scows, and such things; and long black streaks?rafts; sometimes you could hear a sweep screaking; or jumbled up voices, it was so still, and sounds come so far; and by-and-by you could see a streak on the water which you know by the look of the streak that there’s a snag there in the swift current which breaks on it and makes that streak look that way; and you see the mist curl up off of the water, and the east reddens up, and the river, and you make out a log cabin in the edge of the woods, away on the bank on t’other side of the river, being a woodyard, likely, and piled by them cheats so you can throw a dog through it anywheres; then the nice breeze springs up, and comes fanning you from over there so cool and fresh, and sweet to smell, on account of the woods and flowers; but sometimes not that way, because they?ve left dead fish laying around, gars, and such, and they do get pretty rank; and next you’ve got the full day, and everything smiling in the sun, and the song-birds just going it!”. In this video we will learn the steps needed to improve your writing with better sentence structure. These five institutions are under the control of a single board of trustees; the work of the preparatory schools is thus correlated with that of the colleges. How is that? Look at the first paragraph above. He was in his chair, trying to control his curiosity, but she couldn't let it rest at that. It became clear that neither the influence of the regular clergy, of which the Society of Jesus is the most powerful embodiment, nor that of foreign clerical parties, which largely control the Peters Pence fund, would ever permit renunciation of the papal claim to temporal power. Xander didn't move, waiting for her to make a decision she had no control over, not with her body and emotions already firmly on his side. 7. Use Sentences (Index), where Index is the index number, to return a Range object that represents a sentence. Mrs. Pattison. Complex sentence: Because I was planning to visit Tokyo, I purchased a tour guide and a travel journal. Email. Sentence with the word Control. Clutching the robe to her midsection, her upper chest exposed beyond control, she tried to twist from his grip. In general, an average of 15 to 20 words is effective for most technical communication. It was imperative to maintain enough control to keep from hurting or biting her. He was trying to keep the situation under control – for her sake. When he had them both under control, he finally turned to her, his brows lowered. (absolute, complete, full, total, close, strict, tight) " Taxes are under government control. Examples of control for in a sentence: 1. Rhyn felt fevered. Rhyn does understand, but he can't control what he is. A strong statement makes reader eager to learn more, to find out how this proof has been found. And it is fun to be able to control your writing on the level of sentences and words. A strong statement makes reader eager to learn more, to find out how this proof has been found. No matter how many Deidres were shoved into that perfect little body, she'd never have the control over him she once had. Her legs felt weak, and she sat heavily on the curb, struggling to control her breathing so she didn't pass out. 11. The mating bond alone makes it easy for a woman to control her mate. Another prodded his horse with the butt end of a musket, and Pierre, bending over his saddlebow and hardly able to control his shying horse, galloped ahead of the soldiers where there was a free space. He who holds the gem will control the Vamp. Considering the information Katie had just disclosed, it wasn't surprising that he wanted to be in control - or that he had chosen a wife who asked few questions. She was beyond his control, and so was her choice of whether or not to accept her place. He knows what settings control each but it's far from exact. Proficient Pf A well-considered understanding of the topic is demonstrated. Their absolute freedom from diffraction, the perfect control of the illumination and thickness of the lines, and the accuracy with which it will be possible to construct scales for zone observations will be important features of the new method. Very little new capital was invested by the telegraph companies about 1865 because of the natural reluctance of the companies to extend the systems under their control so long as a proposal for their acquisition by the state was under consideration. Yully struggled to control it and then surrendered. Better would be a long time coming, but she felt more in control of her emotions. This deprives parliament of control over the administrative departments, all the ministries being thus " armour-plated " - to use the cant phrase current in Russia - except that of ways and communications (railways). Sentences Menu. deus ex machina. In the case of inland telegraphs and of cable communication with the continent of Europe government control has entirely superseded private companies. The ability to write good sentences. Can you write a 268 word sentence? 3 Answers. Through the columns of the Independent Reflector, which he established in 1752, Livingston fought the attempt of the Anglican party to bring the projected King's College (now Columbia University) under the control of the Church of England. Writing sentence examples. Jessi fought the sensations, not wanting to lose control, especially to him. But it was now impossible for any German to control the Garden of the Empire. "That sounds about right," Gabe said, recalling how much she liked to be in control. The peacemaker of the brothers, Andre instinctively used his gift of mind control to counter the tempers of his fiery brothers. Unable to control her spinning emotions, she clung to him. Dusty didn't know if a few months of Darian having his own mind back were enough to erase thousands of years under the control of another. Use Concise Expressions. He felt both spent and wired, his head too full of memories to control. A compound sentence consists of multiple independent clauses with no subordinate clauses. signature103 says: 29 August 2018 at 9:40. Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before. Unaccustomed to emotions he wasn't able to control, he watched her hips sway but stayed where he was. She did not cry long, only until she released enough of her emotions to control the rest. The antidepressants didn't help that much, but maybe they were responsible for the fact that she had not lost control yet. Secular education has been vigorously opposed by strict churchmen, and efforts have been made to maintain separate schools under church control. Voice Friday: Word Choices Example sentences with the word panel. ... As per our discussion with reference to the antiquated and outmoded climate-control system in the Campus Security Building, it is my recommendation that purchase is made from a source-to-be-identified of a new, environmentally-friendly heat pump that is both cost-effective and fully compliant with all local and state regulations. He shouldn't try to control every facet of her life. 12. 3. It's the same thing you do to change an object into another, only normal objects have far less energy to control. As a consequence this central Russian industry, even when supported by very high protective duties, is only able to produce for the home market and the markets of the adjacent territories in Asia which are under Russian political control. The territories are under the direct control of the national government . If a person doesn't believe his own writing, it would be extremely hard to convince others. Kiera asked, trying hard to control the anger building within her. What fun! Why did he choose to use one long sentence instead? Speech style and writing should not be dual in perception. "I've assessed that your men can't control their women," he said. Yully struggled to control it and then surrendered. Her mind control power was second only to his, and she fought like a warrior. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. lengthy sentence(s) Make sure your text is in English. For their last essay, they must write at least a 50 word sentence, correctly punctuated, and an effective sentence fragment. At other times, it didn't, because her own emotions were too hard for her to control. 25 examples: In the realm of abstract planning, the person has complete control. What if you do succeed in forcing Death's hand and she brings Katie back from the dead? She stared for a long moment at the net code indicating that the receiver of the general's messages was located in the West Control Center. Effective sentences should: • Contain only one idea. He'd drilled her in how to use and control her gift. Scribens detects stylistic elements such as repetitions, run-on sentences, redundancies, and more. They were spinning out of control, fed by the direct contact with him and the elusive scent that was making her mouth water. The title border patrol would be capitalized if you were writing with the understanding that it is the U.S. agency you are naming. The wheels symbolize divine omniscience and control, and the whole vision represents the coming of Yahweh to take up his abode among the exiles. He wouldn't respond to her mind manipulation attempts, and he was able to control Jonny. You might even answer some of them more than once, especially if there are multiple Whos or Whats involved in the story. It was very unlike his friend and second-in-command to allow his control to slip in such a drastic way. Rain is by far the most important of the inorganic mobile distributions upon which land forms exercise their function of guidance and control. Basic to composition skill is control of sentence structure and accuracy in mechanics. You can run away from him, stay in the same relationship, or set your foot down and get things back into control. 191 READING AND WRITING DEFINITION 192 What Is Definition? Why had they allowed themselves to completely lose control? If they write a 100-word sentence, I thought this assignment was so crucial that I gave a ten-point bonus, or a letter-grade better. deep to control extra guiding wheels which were to be of somewhat larger diameter than the bearing wheels and to be affixed to them. One way to make this sentence parallel is to have each of the elements of the series start with an appropriate verb. Avoid starting a sentence with qualifiers such as “although,” “because,” or “since.” Avoid comma-plagued sentences and adding information in one long sentence using commas. The scent of her desire ensnared him, dragged him closer to the edge of his control. All right, suppose we bought a jar of live Praying Mantises at our neighborhood pest control store. "Not only do you want a short average; you also need variety. Facebook. She didn't have much air left, and she couldn't enable the control panel so she could direct the pod elsewhere. You like to do the asking - only you're afraid to take control. This state of things is continually becoming worse and makes one fear that unless a prompt remedy is applied the troops will no longer be under control in case of an engagement. What would trusting a real mind control expert get him? She rubbed her face and looked at the control panel again. Probably because he didn't know how to handle the situation - and Alex always wanted to be in control. "You should go, go away at once, if you don't feel strong enough to control yourself," she would reply sadly, trying to comfort her husband. Maybe so, but I like him being in control, and I think he likes it too. Perfect the art of sentence structure and you’ll set your ideas free. It swallowed her senses, but she wasn't about to lose complete control to someone like Xander. He couldn't control the surge of adrenaline he experienced whenever he thought of sinking his teeth into his father's neck and draining his life from him, the way his father drained his mother's life. Impatient of control and hasty in action, he was no match for his crafty and plotting adversary, Louis XI. Seizing control of himself, Two stepped forward and pushed her back, binding her to the table again. You seem to have it all in control - both the dairy and the house. Altogether, half the annual expenditure of the country is outside the control of parliament. The writing demonstrates confident control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics. Alex liked being in control, and he had none in this situation. You may not have much control over some things. I'm sick of this male idea that sex is something a man has no control over. Words, then sentences. She faced him coolly, trying to control her temper. The West Virginia Colored Orphans' Home near Huntington is not under state control, but has received appropriations from the legislature. Her scent still lingered in the air, and he could almost feel her hands on his body again, caressing him in a way that turned him from a god in control of himself into a fawning teenager. The long struggle between the Company and the ministers of the crown for the supreme control of Indian affairs and the attendant patronage had reached its climax. In one sentence you should not only specify idea or problem, but also persuade reader that you are right. She had enough strength to control the demon; maybe she could prevent it from escaping to a new host. Dusk had fallen while she tested the magic and her ability to control it. The world was turning at Mach speed and Dean felt himself racing along with the uninformed, totally out of control. Instructions: The following sentences are wordy. On the polar side of the high-pressure area a west wind drift is under the control of the " roaring forties," and on reaching South Africa part of this is deflected and sent northwards along the west coast as the cold Benguella current which rejoins the equatorial. 17 a arranged to maintain uniform speed and to control their respective receivers. That is something you have no control over. To excite readers, pick up the pace. With the Immortals in disarray and Death's … mistake, I can own the underworld before Rhyn can control his power enough to stop me. The town is under the control of a provost, bailies and council, and, along with Hawick and Selkirk, forms the Hawick (or Border) group of parliamentary burghs. They couldn't control him once he left Hell; no one could. Examples of loss of control in a sentence, how to use it. When the sand is gone, I'll make him dead-dead, unless he can learn to control his power and to work with his brothers. Longer sentences that include hypotaxis or interruptive syntax, which take longer for the mind and eye to process, slow down the reader. Even if he wanted to do good, he'd fail. He opened the communications device and touched two buttons on the flat control panel. Sentences are show a high degree of crafts manship, with consistently carefully crafted, with strong and varied structure that strong and varied structure that makes expressive oral makes expressive oral reading easy and enjoyable. "Emotion is a weakness, one we cannot always control," he replied. "Now, please, without further ado, explain," he said, in an attempt to control the conversation. Each week, we took one of the twenty sentence patterns and tried to use it in sentences. No, I mean, you aren't out of control. Gun control essay body: Evidence and examples. Active and passive sentences. His kisses were intoxicating, and this was no place to loose control. Nearly impossible to stop, next to impossible to control. Warmth crawled up her neck with the realization that she had lost control - and Alex had been aware of it. By his rigorous imposts he alienated the favour of his subjects, and especially of the clergy, whom he otherwise sought to control firmly. Sentence Structure is important because it provide us with the framework for the clear written expression of our ideas.The aim in writing is always to write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated. He almost protested, but thought she might want control of when to leave, so let it be. Using various sentence patterns produces speech and writing that are lively and interesting. On the other hand the great nobles of more conservative tendencies wished to get the young son of the cesarevich Alexius made emperor under their own control. Many writers–well, they just write she realized she was ready to face her without removing his.. Hard and nodded, struggling to control the twenty-five turned into an Emotion almost too strong him! 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