While YELLOW CARD violations will not count against your three strikes, IRONMAN® Competition Rules still allow an athlete to be disqualified for repeated rule violations should an athlete receive excessive yellow card violations. Don’t worry about touching your watch, the timing company will ensure an accurate record of your achievement. What do I do if I need assistance during the swim? Yes, your race number must be worn on your front. Har jeg mulighed for at lykønske den/de atleter jeg støtter I målområdet? Denne regel tillader at hver deltager kan fejre deres bedrift uden indblanding fra andre og sikre sikkerheden for andre atleter, frivillige og fans. If you feel the need, please turn on your back and raise an arm in the air to attract attention from the swim safety crew. Se “Transfer and withdrawal”-siden for mere information. Nr tydeligt placeret FORAN på din hjelm under cykling, Sørg for at have dit bip. Nr. This doesn’t just rely on the course profile but also the overall experience of the event (or Challenge event) gives to the first-timer. Hjelmen må ligeledes ikke placeres på cyklen forud for løbet. NO equipment can be placed on the floor, in or box or otherwise around your bike. Lost and found items will be available at the Information Booth (hours can be found in the Event Schedule) during race week. Du skal tilmelde dig online og betale med kredit eller debit kort, det er ikke muligt at betale på andre måder. Den specielle behovspose giver dig mulighed for at medbringe din egen mad, som du har adgang til en gang på cykeldelen. The layout container must have a custom class. We advise athletes to only place food and drinks in their bags, since BAGS WILL BE THROWN AWAY AFTER THE RACE. If the athlete wants to have the special needs bag (bike and/or run), it is the athlete’s responsibility to pick up the “special needs bag”. Er det muligt at leje en cykel? Reglen eksistere af flere vigtige grunde og skal blandt andet sikre en sikker og stress-fri oplevelse for dig som atlet. Atleter rådes til at kontakte deres våddragt leverandør direkte hvis de skulle være I tvivl om hvorvidt deres våddragt er godkendt eller ej. EXPO Registrations are open for the IRONMAN Vichy 2020! Medie akkreditering er ikke tilgængelig endnu. Se atleters siden (→ IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship siden) for mere information. Officiel målfotos? In the event of a non-wetsuit swim, am I allowed to wear my compression gear? You will be given colored bags when you register for your bike and run gear. At all IRONMAN Denmark's races, we use volunteers from committed sport clubs. Before the event, you and your athlete should decide on a meeting place for after they have finished. Er det muligt at registrere som relay? Det betyder – INTET udstyr må placeres på jorden, I kasser eller på anden måde på eller ved  din cykel. Please do not try to gain access to this area, as it must remain clear for the safety of the athletes. Adresse Please note that we have limited access to the phone during race week. If you do not find an answer to your question, please reach out to our Athlete Services team (please scroll down  to "Contact"). All athletes must be a minimum of 18 years of age as of race day for the event year to compete in this event. Yes. I’ll be looking at my fifth Ironman in 2020, previously I’ve used sprint and Olympic plans to “bring me up to speed”, this time around I’m using Sweet Spot Base. Learn how to enter, read reviews, get exclusive discounts, see photos, course maps, and results. Access to the course, restricted areas and / or media transportation is not guaranteed. YELLOW CARD violations (thirty-second time penalty) also require an athlete to stop at the closest penalty tent location along the bike course. Al udstyr der ikke følger ovenstående regler vil blive fjernet af IRONMAN. Ja, løbsarrangørerne forbeholder sig dog retten til at begrænse brugen pba. A race kit may be worn underneath swimwear. Vi accepterer IKKE kontant eller check som en gyldig betalingsform. SwimThis is in a lagoon just behind the main beach in Amager, one loop and relatively easy to sight but I decided 3.8km wasn't enough so. What’s my thoughts? Your race number must be worn on your back. Swimwear (Skinsuits/Speedsuits) must be 100% textile material, which is defined as materials consisting of natural and/or synthetic, individual and non-consolidated yarns used to constitute a fabric by weaving, knitting and/or braiding. *All unclaimed items will be donated within 30 days. Can we enter the water prior to the race start to warm up? Har du nogen spørgsmål, så læs venligst FAQ. Yderligere er det atletens ansvar at besøge registreringen inden for de angivne tidspunkter, forud for selve løbet. Medie akkreditering See the event schedule for racking times. This copy should match the race card. IRONMAN Copenhagen 2020 competition will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bliver serveret et måltid efter løbet? Race officials will be monitoring athletes on race morning to enforce wetsuit restrictions. Subsidiary goals for 2020 … Amager Beach Park, Monday to Friday between 10.00 am - 1.00 pm Nej, kun atleter der er registreret har adgang til check-in området. Please bring your photo ID and triathlon membership card (if applicable) during the designated check-in hours. The athlete check-In location and hours can be found in the event schedule. Please submit your, H3: Presented by [Presenting Sponsor Name Here], Copy the layout container with original content. Nej. Please submit your race icon changes to them. A good night’s sleep is essential to achieving your optimal performance on race day. The special need bag allows you to bring your own food, which you will have access to once on the bike part. Svømmetøj skal bestå af 100% tekstilt materiale, defineret ved materiealer der består af naturlige og/eller syntetiske, individuelle og non-consolidated yarns brugt til at fremstille et stof ved vævning, stikning og/eller fletning. Find more information in the nutrition section of the Athletes tab here >>. Kan et familiemedlem eller ven checke mig ind og hente min løbspakke? Who do I contact for official merchandise? The elevation gain will be different. Nej, det er ikke muligt gennem IRONMAN. All qualifying events will implement the International Triathlon rule: All age group athletes must complete in their age group division corresponding to the athlete's age on December 31st of the year of the event. I agree. Find mere information i nutrition og energi sektionen her:  Athletes tab >>, Hvem skal jeg kontakte for at få fat på Official Merchandise? Athlete check-in hours are posted well in advance of race week—please make your travel plans accordingly. Please check the Side Events page for more information. Glemte sager vil være at finde til awards ceremonien eller ved at kontakte en teamleder på event pladsen. Swimwear may contain a zipper. IRONMAN Copenhagen operates a clean transition. Password must be a minimum of 8 characters. Nr tydeligt placeret FORAN  på kroppen under løb, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. See below for the custom classes needed for this page (CSS must match exactly): When added correctly, a gray language label will span the layout container. It’s also the last chance in Europe for a 2019 Ironman World Championship spot. Copenhagen is a large, fast European Ironman that offers the standard 40 Kona almost for age group athletes. Please submit your. Transport er ikke garranteret. Tidsplanerne er designet for at give hver atlet muligheden for at blive orienteret omkring den nødvendige information og blive bekendt med venuet hvilket skal sikre en stress-fri afvikling af selve løbet. Facebook IRONMAN Europe | Instagram IRONMAN Europe | YouTube IRONMAN Europe. medie akkreditering vil ikke blive givet til atleters private fotografer eller familiemedlemmer medmindre de arbejder for et officielt medie outlet. Text Block Subtitle (Centered): IRONMAN 70.3 Sponsored by [Title Sponsor Name Here], Normal: [Month Day, Year] or [Coming in Year]. Please check the Transfer and withdrawal page for more information. Alle staffe givet på løberuten skal afsones med det samme straffen er givet. The race icon band and race card are managed by Webmasters. Atleter har kun adgang til skiftezonen med gyldigt armbånd der vil blive kontrolleret ved indgang. Will I be allowed into the finish area to greet my athlete? Våddragter må maximalt være 5mm tykke. Perfect for seasoned athletes and first timers alike, the course passes the world-famous Opera House, Little Mermaid statue, Amalienborg Palace, and the New Harbour waterfront. How frequent are the distance markers? Er der mulighed for at varme op I vandet, før løbet? Får jeg et officielt bevis på at jeg har gennemført? Nej, desværre. Se “Official Nutrition”-siden for mere information. Hvor vil glemte sager kunne hentes under løbet? Er det  muligt at følge løbet online og se resultater på løbsdagen? The one-loop swim at Amager Strandpark is one of the most spectator friendly course in all of IRONMAN. IRONMAN 70.3 2020 is held at Elsinore only a 35 minutes’ drive from the Danish capital of Copenhagen. Proceed to checkout and have the option to create an account at the end. The following nutrition is available at the aid stations on the bike course: Water, Iso, Gel, Bar, Banana (cut in half), Cola. Se medie siden for mere information. 4 omgange. Hvordan kan jeg tilmelde min klub til IRONMAN’s Triklub Program? If you’re interested in booking an expo booth, please write an email to expo.europe@ironman.com, Address Athletes should contact the wetsuit manufacturer directly to confirm whether their suit is legal. Don't worry, it's free and only takes a few seconds! Copenhagen offers capital city racing with a quintessentially Danish atmosphere. Please check the Side Events page for more information. Please check the schedule page for more information. Please check the Medias page for more information. Følg dette link for at registrere din klub. OBS – det er ikke muligt at checke ind og registrere sig uden for de angivne tidspunkter. Our review process is quick and simple, meaning you can help athletes just like yourself make more informed decisions about the races they sign up for. Watch Ironman Copenhagen 2020 Live Stream HD This race offers slots for the IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i. Join 2,000 others at this Ironman Triathlon rated 4.3 of 5 in Bolton, UK. Please submit your, This registration link should match the Race Registration Status on the race card. This course is most popular for those seeking a personal best, as it is one of the flattest Ironman routes on the circuit. Se “Transfer and withdrawal”-siden for mere information. Visit www.finisherpix.com to view, order, and share your photos from the event! Hvor mange depoter er der og hvor langt er der imellem? Queensland race entry, Australia Ironman triathlon online streaming and TV coverage, live timing, date, race course map, event schedule, start time, route, weather After the conclusion of the event, please contact copenhagen@ironman.com to locate any missing items and schedule returns. DANMARK: How do I get to the hot spots? Shipping fees will apply. Can I listen to music on the run? I had a major mechanical, because of that rode like a fool for half the bike course, took no where near enough calories in and had under-trained. This table populates the race icon band on the race page and its subpages. If so, leave your review now! Såfremt du måtte få brug for hjælp - vend dig da om på ryggen og ræk en arm I vejret for at fange opmærksomheden fra sikkerhedspersonalet. Media accreditation is available to registered members of the media only. 2. the bike leg has 1100m of ascent, and not considered a fast, Warning: long race report, you might want to get a cuppa! Er det  tilladt at køre med pladehjul hjul? Wristbands will be checked upon entry and items will be checked against your wristband and race numbers when leaving. Ved udgang kontrolleres  al udstyr til at matche nummeret på armbåndet. euorders@ironmanstore.com. 2021 IRONMAN Copenhagen har 40 slots til 2021 IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i. Facebook IRONMAN Denmark | Instagram IRONMAN Denmark You must check in and pick up your race packet during designated check-in hours. Nej det er kun atleter der kan hente sine ejendele. Both are managed by Webmasters. Can we practice the swim course prior to the event? FinisherPix will have several photographers working at the swim exit, on the bike course, on the run course, and of course, at the finish line. Eller du kan ringe til os på: Telefon: +45 60 63 22 58 Ved siden af lægeteltet vil der være mulighed for at modtage information såfremt ens pårørende har eller modtager behandling. Atleter skal respektere reglerne og minimum holde  12m afstand til forankørende, målt fra forhjulet af den forreste atlet til forhjulet på den følgende atlet. Ved at klikke på den boks med det emne der minder mest om dit emne, for at finde alle spørgsmål og svar. Hvis muligt, forsøg da at svøm ud til siden, væk fra den rute hvor flest atleter svømmer. Materialet må ikke dække længere end albuer og knæ, dette gælder også kompressions ærmer, sokker og tights. FinisherPix is proud to be selected as the Official Photo Service of this race. 1. the swim is in the sea in a place where it is well covered and protected from strong winds, so its easy to make a fast swim. Media Accreditation 2. the bike leg has 1100m of ascent, and not considered a fast ...Read full review, Warning: long race report, you might want to get a cuppa! How can I register my Club for the IRONMAN TriClub Program? No, the athlete racing MUST collect his/her belongings from transition personally. Please check the Supporters page for more information. Hvad skal jeg sørge for I løbsugen? Both are managed by Webmasters. After being announced towards the end of 2020, the new Andorra Multisport Festival now kicks into gear: dates have been set and courses have been scouted. På når jeg løber? Swimwear must not cover the neck, extend past the elbows, nor extend past the knees. Se siden med tilskuer information. No problem. Proceed to edit the page elements and replace copy with the updated language. Det følgende nutrition og energi vil være tilgængelig på depoter på, Scroll gennem listen af registrerede events. Har I side event? Can someone else collect my items after the race? Athletes MUST claim their slot in-person at the qualifying race during the Awards ceremony after the race. If you have any questions, please read through our FAQs. Er der Pasta party? Best Ironman Courses For First Timers. Er det muligt at leje en våddragt til løbet? The race icons should match what's displayed on the race card. This race offers 40 slots for the IRONMAN World Championship 2021 in Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i. Ask a question below to get advice from the community and the Ironman team. SwimThis is in a lagoon just behind the main beach in Amager, one loop and relatively easy to sight but I decided 3.8km wasn't enough so...Read full review. Ironman Copenhagen er helt aflyst og udskudt til 2021, mens EM Ironman 70.3 er sat til 6. september. Medie kontakt: What age group will I race in on race day? You will not have access to your blue and red bags on race morning but you can access your bike to place your drinks bottles and nutrition. 5100 feet of gain over 112 miles, this ain’t no picnic ride through the countryside… There’s 3 significant climbs, some tough spots and you finish off with 2 climbs that sandwich an uphill long ride. A Bike-Service-Team will be present at the Expo, in the transition zone and on the bike course. Perfect for seasoned athletes and first timers alike, the course passes the world-famous Opera House, Little Mermaid statue, Amalienborg Palace, and the New Harbour waterfront. Søndag den 22. Do you have side events? Please check the Supporters page for more information. 2021 IRONMAN Copenhagen has 40 slots for the 2021 IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i. Phone: +45 60 63 22 58 skal bæres synligt på ryggen. Download IRONMAN Tracker appen for at følge din atlet og følg os på Twitter@IRONMANLive for at følge pro-atleter. Det betyder at tøj fremstillet  af nylon eller lycra der ikke  er belagt med et gummimateriale så som polyuretheane eller neoprene er godkendt. Se siden med tilskuer information. What is the Withdrawal/Transfer process if I can no longer race? Perfect for seasoned athletes and first timers alike, the course passes the world-famous Opera House, Little Mermaid statue, Amalienborg Palace, and the New Harbour waterfront. The following nutrition is available at the aid stations on the run course: Water, Cola, Banana, Oranges and Melon, Salty Cracker, Gel, 1 Red Bull Aid Station. iPods, MP3 players, phones, video cameras etc. After the conclusion of the event, please contact copenhagen@ironman.com to locate any missing items and schedule returns. How can I change my TriClub? Hashtag: #IMCopenhagen, EUROPE:   Managing Director: Mads Meincke Organisationskomiteen er ikke ansvarlig i tilfælde af tab eller skade på værdigenstande eller tøj. Kan du ikke finde svaret her, så sidder vi klar til at hjælpe dig på copenhagen@ironman.com. Below are the top three aspects of the Ironman Copenhagen, as determined by athlete reviews. Please submit your updated sponsors, titles, and dates to them. are not permitted on the course. The course is flat and times tend to be competitive for those seeking qualification. Må jeg som tilskuer/ven løbe over målstregen med min bekendte? Vat number: 3230 1266. Der er begrænset antal pladser og nogle af dem er reserveret til IRONMAN partnere, det betyder at når eventet officielt er udsolgt kan det stadig være muligt at partnere har billetter de udlodder. Hashtag: #IMCopenhagen, EUROPA:   Final slot allocation will be determined on race day based on the number of official starters. Nr. Vi råder atleter til kun at placere mad og drikke i deres poser, da poser vil blive kastet væk efter løbet. Copy the layout container with original content. Det endelig slot tildeling vil blive fast besluttet på løbsdagen, når det endelig starttal er givet. Please check the Bike Course page for more information. Hvis din klub ikke er  på listen skal du kontakte triclubemea@ironman.com. The Age Group within the gender with the largest athletes-to-slots ratio will receive the first reallocated slot, followed by the next largest ratio receiving the second re-allocated slot (if applicable), and so on. Please submit your updated sponsors, titles, and dates to them.. The IRONMAN Copenhagen bike course travels through North Zealand. Hvad er tilbagebetalings-/transfer-processen, hvis jeg ikke længere kan deltage? Det endelig slot tildeling vil blive tildelt i det aktuelle nummer i hver alders gruppe som startede på løbsdagen. Det  må maksimalt tage  25 sekunder for en bagvedkørende at overhale. Detailed individual race analysis for each athlete. Have you recently completed the Ironman Copenhagen event? Våddragter vil være forbudt hvis vandtemperaturen overstiger 24,5 grader celsius. Sports event in Copenhagen, Denmark by OOB life and Ironman copenhagen 2020 on Sunday, August 16 2020 IRONMAN 70.3 Andorra Joins Andorra Multisport Festival Thursday 14 Jan 2021 [Triathlon News]. Nej, det er ikke muligt at apprøve hele distancen faciliteret af IRONMAN. IRONMAN Copenhagen har rullende start med selvstænding placering I startrækken efter forventede svømmehastighed. Furthermore, our 4:18:4 København sprint triathlon will take place in race week, at Amager Beach Park. This registration link should match the Race Registration Status on the race card. What are the age requirements? Vær forberedt på at betale adgangsgebyr på 1050 USD + Hawai'i GE-skat + 9,25% Behandlingsgebyr (Active-gebyr) KUN med kreditkort. Please make sure you have entered a question and selected a topic. It travels 16 kilometers before joining a two lap circuit. If you need to change your email, email us at copenhagen@ironman.com and we can make the changes for you. Will there be live online tracking and results on race day? The scheduling is designed to allow each athlete the opportunity to become oriented with the venue and receive all the necessary information needed for a successful race. Svømmetøj må gerne have en lynlås. Who do I contact regarding official race photos? Wetsuits will be prohibited in water temperatures greater than 76.1 degrees Fahrenheit (24.5 degrees Celsius). Det er ikke tilladt for venner og familie at krydse målstregen eller løbe ind på opløbsstrækningen. We only require this to help ensure that reviews are genuine, and to protect you and the organisers. What is the official nutritional partner? Please check the Official Nutrition page for more information. I chose Copenhagen as my first full IM distance and what a day it turned out to be! Please log in your IRONMAN profile and connect it with your Club. Våddragter er tilladt hvis vandtemperaturen er til og med 24,5 grader celsius eller koldere. From Friday at the Expo on there will be a special service station which sells spare parts, helmets and on Saturday in the transition zone 1. Unfortunately, due to high congestion in the finish line area, no spectators will be allowed. Can a family member/friend check-in for me and pick-up my race packet? Før løbet råder vi til at man aftaler et mødested til efter løbet. Ironman France takes place June 14, 2020 in Nice. It is forbidden to take the bag on the bike; you will have to stop and take what’s in the bag only. What are the wetsuit restrictions? IRONMAN® følger princippet om 3 advarsler og så er du ude med forbehold for BLÅT KORT. 31 December for det år du deltager. The deferral may only be used once. Hvordan kommer jeg  rundt til de forskellige hot spots? Planlæg venligst din rejse efter dem. It is recommended that you mark your gear with your race number as IRONMAN is not responsible for lost items. Both are managed by Webmasters. are not permitted on the course. Copenhagen offers capital city racing with a quintessentially Danish atmosphere. Text Block Subtitle (Centered): IRONMAN 70.3 Sponsored by [Title Sponsor Name Here] , kig da I spam-filteret I din email indbakke and withdrawal page more... Manufacturer directly to confirm whether their suit is legal you want to be ansvar at besøge registreringen inden tidsrummet! Blive bedt om at bekræfte dine helbredsoplysninger og underskrive bekræftigelse herpå skal det! First triathlon this course is most popular ironman copenhagen 2020 course those seeking qualification løbsmorgenen og stikprøver! Placed on the bike part forespørgsler? mille.jensen @ ironman.com to BLUE card.. 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