Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. High blood pressure 2. Today, driven by the HERA data, theorists discuss the possible, Durch die HERA-Daten angeregt, diskutieren die Theoretiker, Additionally, a two-year holding period is required after the date of grant, after which the holder of the option rights can exercise up to the. dem Alter von 80 Jahren ohne die Nierenfunktion geprüft werden nehme nicht an dieser Droge. Source: You can review CDC’s recommendations for Direct Service Providers. There is not enough scientific information at this time to know whether having seasonal allergies puts you at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 or having more severe symptoms if you do contract COVID-19. [...] those who have a severe underlying condition (e;g. severe asthma, unstable coronary heart disease, uncompensated [...] heart failure, etc. If you get sick, stay home and call your doctor. U.S. Food & Drug Administrationlinks to external site. Source: The reason that obesity is believed to be related to the development of cardiovascular disease is that they share a number of similarities, including: 1. If your child receives any support care services in the home, such as services from personal care attendants, direct support professionals, or therapists, make plans for what you will do if your child’s direct care providers or anyone in your family gets sick. 2. Background: The presence of any underlying heart condition could influence outcomes during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For example, smoking is known to cause lung disease and people with underlying lung problems may have increased risk for serious complications from COVID-19, a disease that primarily attacks the lungs. notierten Aktienkurs an einem Handelstag in der Zeit vor der Ausübung um mindestens 20 % überstiegen hat. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. The study, considered to be the largest of its kind in Europe, revealed more than half (53 per cent) of patients had at least one comorbidity. Ulcerative Colitis, or stomach ulcers, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, Myasthenia gravis, osteoporosis or any other medical disorders. Angina. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionlinks to external site. Fainting. In particular, someone with an underlying heart issue is more likely to have a less robust immune system - meaning their body's response is not as strong a response when exposed to viruses. Some people have no symptoms at all, while others become so sick that they eventually need mechanical assistance to breathe. 80 years without the kidney function being tested are not suppose to take this drug. Watch for symptoms and emergency signs. Smoking cigarettes can also cause inflammation and cell damage throughout the body, and can weaken your immune system, making it less able to fight off disease. Heart disease -- an underlying health condition -- is also considered a potential problem for those infected. More information on how to prepare, what to do if you get sick, and how communities and caregivers can support those at higher risk is available on People at Risk for Serious Illness from COVID-19. Obwohl die Überschwemmungen in verschiedenen Teilen des Vereinigten Königreichs (England, Nordirland und Wales) über mehrere Wochen hinweg auftraten, or other illnesses, it is called primary pulmonary hypertension, oder andere Krankheit auf, bezeichnet man es als primäre. 2. Wertzuwachs von 10 % pro Jahr erreicht hat. In addition to following the recommendations to prevent getting sick, families can take steps recommended for children with underlying conditions. People of all ages with certain underlying medical conditions, certain groups of people who require extra precautions during the pandemic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, People at Risk for Serious Illness from COVID-19, Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others, When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, Limit close contact and wash your hands often, Avoid crowds, cruise travel, and non-essential travel. Almost 60% had cardiovascular disease, according to a table published by the Oregon Health Authority late Tuesday. The arteriosclerosis is one of the most frequent illnesses of our time in Germany, 260 000 people suffer a heart attack annually, altogether 180 000 people per. Do not use this drug without doctor's permission if your. Smoking cigarettes can leave you more vulnerable to respiratory illnesses, such as COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionlinks to external site. For more information, see Sick Parents and Caregivers. In Prince William, that includes people with “conditions such as cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, heart conditions, Down syndrome, obesity and severe obesity, pregnancy, Sickle Cell disease and Type 2 diabetes,” said Kathy Stewart, spokeswoman for the Prince William Health District. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen, Werden Schilddrüsenhormone in nicht ausreichender Menge, produziert - man spricht dann von einer Schilddrüsenunterfunktion oder, All persons from the age of 6 months with underlying chronic conditions increasing the risk for severe, the proposal optimally being made by the patients patient's direct healthcare provider. Daran anschließend kann der Inhaber die Option in Höhe der. which each fourth dies in the framework of the quite acute Krankheitsgeschehens and becomes care-needy each fourth from the survivor on the other hand. Es wurde dringend empfohlen, von der FDA, dass Menschen mit Nierenproblemen, Leber-Probleme, Herzinsuffizienz behandelt werden von anderen Medikamenten, Alkohol hohe Zufuhr, sind ernst-Hydrat, Mai unterziehen und x-ray-Verfahren mit der Injektion. Additionally, a two-year holding period is required after the date of grant, after which the holder of the option rights can exercise up. A diagnosis of diseaseassociated ATM should require that all the inclusion, Die Diagnose von ATM in Zusammenhang mit einer anderen Erkrankung erfordert, dass alle, wird, der in der Liste erkrankungsspezifischer, (PT) Ladies and gentlemen, these questions. For palpitations caused by a heart condition, possible complications include: 1. Based on early reports, 40 per cent of hospitalised Covid-19 patients had cardiovascular disease. Source: and the prevention of biased media coverage. Die Arteriosklerose ist eine der häufigsten Erkrankungen unserer Zeit In Deutschland erleiden jährlich 260 000 Menschen einen Herzinfarkt, insgesamt. pulmonale Hypertonie oder idiopathische pulmonale Hypertonie. Diabetes. high rainfall leading to saturated soils and as a consequence to severe inundations. Adults with disabilities are more likely to have an underlying medical condition that may put them at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 including, but not limited to, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and obesity. concerns of our government, which is behind this programme. Do not call NHS 111 unless symptoms deteriorate The government have asked people with mild symptoms to NOT call NHS 111, but self-isolate and search the internet for more information - this is so as not to put the NHS under excess strain. illustrate how using coconut oil in concert with other healthy fats can spark weight loss and heal serious illnesses, including anxiety, hypothyroidism, and chronic fatigue syndrome, among many others. If possible, these alternative caregivers should not be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 themselves. For more information, see People with Disabilities and People who May Need Extra Precautions. Alle Menschen ab sechs Monaten mit chronischen Grunderkrankungen, die das Risiko einer schweren Erkrankung erhöhen, usw. When it comes to matters of the heart, many people may also be at risk from underlying conditions they don’t even know they have. In addition, having a disability may make it harder to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and practice hand hygiene. breiten Spektrum von Menschen zeigen, wie mit Kokosnuss-Öl in Absprache mit anderen gesunden Fette können Gewichtsverlust Funken und schwere Krankheiten zu heilen, einschließlich der Angst, Hypothyreose und chronischem Müdigkeitssyndrom, unter vielen anderen. Angina is a pain or discomfort in your chest, arm, neck, stomach or jaw that happens when the blood supply to your heart becomes restricted because of your arteries becoming narrowed. time of the grant by at least 20 % on one trading day during the lifetime of the option right. That added stress can be dangerous for people with heart disease. 10 % per annum, cumulatively, in the year of exercise. In addition to those at increased risk, there are certain groups of people who require extra precautions during the pandemic. Many translated example sentences containing "underlying heart condition" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. Its presence could be related with different clinical drug management and would benefit from maintaining treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers during in-hospital stay. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms can vary widely. Nehmen Sie dieses Medikament nicht ohne die Einverständnis Ihres Arztes ein, falls. Heart conditions. Get more information on people at high risk for severe COVID-19. If your heart beats rapidly, your blood pressure can drop, causing you to faint. If you need resources to help you quit smoking, the FDA’s Every Try Counts campaign has supportive tips and tools to help you get closer to quitting for good. Daneben gilt eine zweijährige Haltefrist ab dem Datum der Gewährung, nach deren Ablauf der Halter der Optionsrechte diese bis zum Betrag der. Consider identifying potential alternative caregivers, in case you or other regular caregivers become sick and are unable to care for your child. The condition is associated with certain triggers, with Assoc Prof Tong giving her expert opinion that Mr Pradip suffered a cardiac arrest because of the underlying heart conditions. The most common specific conditions were arthritis (eight per cent); high blood pressure (six per cent); diabetes (five per cent); and asthma (five per cent). einen kumulierten Wertzuwachs von 10% pro Jahr erreicht hat. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. - Stay away from vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions as much as possible. Carrying around excess weight is linked to a higher risk of developing heart disease. ), wobei der Vorschlag im Idealfall vom direkten Gesundheitsversorger des Patienten gemacht werden sollte, Additionally, a two-year holding period is required following the grant date, after which the holder of the option rights can exercise up to the. For each administrative condition that has to be met, the countries, Dabei wurden die betreffenden Länder in Bezug auf jede vorgeschriebene Verwaltungsbedingung befragt, ob sie bereits über, As part of our ongoing efforts to increase our investor relations activities, we intend to improve the understanding of our, particular business model as well as to draw attention to our, Durch die kürzlich begonnene Ausweitung unserer Investor Relations Aktivitäten wollen wir eine größere Aufmerksamkeit für unser, besonderes Geschäftsmodell sowie unsere solide, It has been strongly advised by the FDA that people with kidney problems, liver problems, heart failure being treated by other medication, high alcohol intakes, are seriously hydrated, may undergo and x-ray procedure with. People of high-risk, including the elderly, immunocompromised, and those with underlying health conditions, such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, lung disease, and diabetes, need to see a doctor regularly to manage their chronic medical diseases. Unless a heart condition is causing your heart palpitations, there's little risk of complications. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide for both men and women of … E-cigarette use can expose your lungs to toxic chemicals, but whether those exposures increase the risk of COVID-19 or the severity of COVID-19 outcomes is not known. Last updated December 12, 2020 He said people in the high risk group should ideally undergo a CT coronary angiogram, a non-invasive test that reveals the condition of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. For more information, see Children and Teens and Others who Need Extra Precautions. Underlying health conditions, such as heart or lung disease, can increase your risk of developing dangerous symptoms if you become infected with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since many e-cigarette users are current or former smokers, you may be susceptible to a more severe course of COVID-19 if you are infected. Angina is a symptom of … Families are raising awareness of underlying heart conditions that affect young people- after tragically losing loved ones aged in their 20s. Methods: The registry HOPE-COVID-19 (Health Outcome Predictive Evaluation for COVID-19, NCT04334291) is an international ambispective study, enrolling COVID-19 patients discharged from hospital, dead or alive. als Übersetzung von "underlying heart condition" vorschlagen. An underlying health condition is a chronic or long-term illness, which in turn weakens the immune system. World Populationen auf vier Kontinenten, die auf der Kokosnuss bestehen, mit weniger Beweise für Herzkrankheiten, Gewichtszunahme oder anderen chronischen Krankheiten, die beste Beweis für diese Lebensmittel Unbedenklichkeit und Wirksamkeit; Dutzende von Studien von renommierten, Unterstützung der Mainstream-Universitäten durchgeführt Einsatz von. Source: Heart disease was also found to be the most common underlying health condition in coronavirus patients hospitalised with the infection. CDC: People With These Underlying Conditions Can Get COVID-19 Vaccine December 28, 2020 | Kevin Hunt The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a holiday weekend guidance update, said people with weakened immune systems and other underlying health conditions who are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness can receive either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine. Lebererkrankungen, Divertikulitis, Colitis ulcerosa oder Magengeschwüre, Hypothyreose, Diabetes mellitus, Myasthenia gravis, Osteoporose oder andere medizinische Störungen. It is known that cigarette smoking increases the risk of respiratory infections, including pneumonia. Last updated September 28, 2020 Last updated March 23, 2020 The risk is gre… "This refers to a medical problem that is usually chronic or significant, and which usually requires long-term treatment," Dr Henderson says. goal is to achieve maximum value added while generating at least the return on investment, einer höchstmöglichen Wertschöpfung, wobei zumindest die von der Regulierungsbehörde. guideline - for facing up to challenges both courageously and confidently. People of any age who have certain underlying medical conditions might be at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Translations of the phrase UNDERLYING HEART CONDITION from english to spanish and examples of the use of "UNDERLYING HEART CONDITION" in a sentence with their translations: She has an underlying heart condition . This clogging is called atheroma. Adults with disabilities are more likely to have an underlying medical condition that may put them at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 including, but not limited to, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and obesity. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. But according to the CDC one underlying condition … The term “underlying conditions” is slightly vague and it encompasses a wide range of health issues from heart disease to COPD to diabetes. Likelihood of type-2 diabetes It is important to note, however, that all obesity is not equal. COVID-19 poses a greater risk to people who have underlying conditions, including: Coronary heart disease. ), the proposal optimally being made by the patients patient's direct healthcare provider Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect your heart. Last updated October 15, 2020 Daneben gilt eine zweijährige Sperrfrist ab dem Zuteilungsdatum; nach deren Ablauf kann der Halter der Optionsrechte sie bis zum. Long hikes, physically tiring activities and types of sports in which they are likely to be injured are not appropriate for children w. Lange Wanderungen, körperlich anstrengende Aktivitäten und verletzungsträchtige Sportarten sind für Kinder ungeeignet, die wegen des Herzfehlers in ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit eingeschränkt sind. A prerequisite for the participation of different. Medienberichterstattung entgegenzuwirken. mutig und aktiv anzugehen, ist die Idee der Freiheit. Make sure these caregivers take extra precautions if your child has a disability. High cholesterol and triglycerides 3. "Underlying chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabet… Präsidentschaft zugrunde liegen, und mit den Anliegen der Regierung, die hinter diesem Programm steht. Source: Pregnant people are also at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Trial Numbers: NCT04334291/ EUPAS34399. While flooding occurred in different parts of the UK (England, Northern Ireland and Wales) over a period of several weeks, these events may be regarded as a single disaster. If you are at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19, you should: If there is an outbreak in your community, stay home as much as possible. (*1)This is a problem for many of us, as the prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the Westernized world. Long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put many people from racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk of getting sick and dying from COVID-19. Last updated October 30, 2020 All those who died in the state from the coronavirus had underlying health conditions, said health authority spokesman Jonathan Modie. World populations on four continents that subsist on the coconut, with less evidence of heart disease, weight gain, or other chronic illnesses, provide the best proof of this food's safety and efficacy; dozens of studies conducted by prestigious, mainstream universities support the use of. Heart disease. In Monday’s report, the CDC said the most common underlying conditions reported in people with covid-19 were heart disease (32 percent), diabetes (30 percent) and … There’s never been a better time to quit smoking. 170000 Menschen, wobei jeder Vierte im Rahmen des ganz akuten Krankheitsgeschehens verstirbt und von den Überlebenden wiederum jeder Vierte pflegebedürftig wird. This might be more likely if you have a heart problem, such as congenital heart disease or certain valve problems. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionlinks to external site. Eine Voraussetzung für die Beteiligung verschiedener, Verwaltungsinstanzen ist deshalb politischer, Konflikt einzudämmen und voreingenommener. Having an underlying health condition raises the risk of being admitted to ICU or dying by almost 80 per cent, a study has found. CONCLUSIONS: An underlying heart disease is an adverse prognostic factor for patients suffering COVID-19. As it weakens the immune system, it puts people at greater risk of serious complicatons of infectious illness - and with coronavirus spreading, those with underlying health conditions are at greater risk. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. 10% per annum, cumulatively, in the year of exercise. Cardiac arrest. By Mayo Clinic Staff. What can people with an underlying health condition do to protect themselves against COVID-19? Background: The risk of experiencing adverse outcomes from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), such as hospitalization, admission to intensive care units and death, is elevated for older individuals and those with certain underlying health conditions including diabetes, chronic conditions affecting lungs, heart or kidneys, and a compromised immune system. We do know that older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like obesity, diabetes, or heart or lung disease are at higher risk for developing more serious complications when they have COVID-19. “In case of cardiac ailments, a person in the moderate risk group should undergo at least a treadmill test to find out whether there are any underlying heart conditions,” said Chakraborty. zugestandene Kapitalverzinsung erwirtschaftet wird. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionlinks to external site. Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! 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